WARNING... lots of pictures!
This last weekend Zack and I were able to go to Duck Creek and go to our Hallows Family Reunion. We had so much fun and just want to say THANK YOU thank you to my parents for all that they did for us. And for all the hard work they went through to prepare and make the reunion AWESOME!!!! We all had so much fun.
Zack and I left right after I got off work on Thursday. We arrived in Duck Creek @ 10ish and made it just in time to play a little Signs... The funnest camping game!
The next morning we got up, had some super yummy breakfast and got ready to go for a wheeler ride. My parents let us use their 4-wheeler. We went on some beautiful trails! The ride lasted a good 4+ hours. But it was so nice to just be in the outdoors. We don't get much of the outdoors (if any) in Vegas!
My Mom and I waiting at the 4-wheeler corral before the ride.
About an hour into the ride... stopping for a little snack :O)
My Dad, Mom and Zack

Us during the ride. We had so much fun!
Us after the ride.... it was a little dusty the whole time, but not bad at all...... UNTIL about the last 10 minutes. It was just crazy! We got so dusty. I could barely see through my sunglasses. We were big dust balls... it was hilarious!

The whole gang (minus Lori- taking the picture and my cousin Tanner and Bailey- they got pulled over by the "quad cops" for not having helmets on because they weren't 18 OOPS) We were all so dusty, we couldn't stop laughing at each other.
After the ride my mom had planned a fun Cowboy Chuck Wagon Dinner. We all wore bandannas. The bandannas were a hit with everyone! Especially my cute nieces and nephews....
My youngest nephew Jackson- Doesn't he make a cute little cowboy?!?!
Kaitlyn, Austin and Lindsay. They are all just too cute.
The Hallows brothers and their wives, and of course Grandma and Grandpa Hallows! It was so fun that they were able to make it up for the evening.

Grandma and Grandpa Hallows
We also had a little visit from a snake... The little kids were too funny. They stood right next to the snake so they could take a look.

After Dinner we had a Pinata. The kids LOVED IT of course! Great idea mom!!!

My brother Nathan getting the kids ready to take their turn bashing the cute little horse.
After dinner we had a HALLOWS vs HALLOWS kick ball game. It got pretty serious! I asked Zack if he wanted to play and he was like sure. I said "well its just going to be a fun game of kickball" and he said "yea right! Hallows' just don't do a "fun" game of anything. You are all so competitive" He was right! It turned out to be a very serious game of ball....

My Uncle Trent, Cousin Erica and Zack- Getting ready to play some outfield

I was the pitcher. It was a lot of fun, even though our team lost. It was so close, then we just let it go. We finally had to stop because the sun was going down. All we needed was a few lights and we could have gone all night long :O)
The next day we just relaxed and had a good time. My mom had some activities planned for the little kids. They did a little craft frame and then we all made some home made ice cream. It was so yummy!
My Dad and his ice cream... we each made out own ice cream.

After the ice cream the heavens decided to open up and it rained a little bit. It was so beautiful to just sit there and enjoy the rain. A bunch of us just sat under the canopy and waited for the rain to stop. It got a little chilly as well.

We hadn't eaten lunch yet... But that doesn't really matter when in the mountains. We sat under the canopy and ate all sorts of treats! I love camping :O)

After lunch my mom got out the marshmallow shooters.. they were a hit! Especially with my mom!! She was by far the fastest marshmallows shooter-.she was dubbed the semi-automatic!

We were all surprised how far and fast those little mallows would go.

The boys got into a very serious (once again the competitive Hallows) game of Washers...

No worries... the May/Hallows team beat the Hallows/Hallows team!!! WAHOOO

Our last night @ camp... my dad was just tuckered out! He fell asleep in the chair sitting by the fire. And for those of you who know my dad aren't surprised at all- he can fall asleep ANYWHERE :O)
The end of the night. We had so much fun.